Participant OI Data

Latest Data Date: 09-02-2024

Future Index Long275982-2281656817990876347177015-4511
Future Index Short205341-987480758-2500174729-543639862-6037
NET Future Index70641-12942-239412509-838538907371531526
Participant's View⬤ Bullish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bullish
Option Index Call Long43058001657720090787077100156028669704
Option Index Call Short432557140563600906212607861542173-153846
NET Option Index Call-19771-2398640016581631418113223550
Participant's View⬤ Bearish⬤ Bullish⬤ Bullish
Option Index Put Long366510211537052475401006217746851473941109464
Option Index Put Short3921986969238008994341285691348594240047
NET Option Index Put-256884184467247540106783-53884125347-130583
Participant's View⬤ Bullish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish
Future Stock Long1898044-55598968060321562708869752643717238
Future Stock Short228454-13822218386-60481429056302572009733581
NET Future Stock1669590-4177-212870612080133652-2156032546413657
Participant's View⬤ Bullish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bullish⬤ Bullish
Option Stock Call Long157049356270472610051894995098459931
Option Stock Call Short939861333621463787183130996146496366833717
NET Option Stock Call63063222908-146331-7157-304788035-453823-23786
Participant's View⬤ Bullish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish
Option Stock Put Long556895-36740090845442559951313296
Option Stock Put Short74263011033008387312654207905056
NET Option Stock Put-185735-11400400697231601787238240
Participant's View⬤ Bullish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish⬤ Bearish

Participant-wise open interest is a crucial concept in the world of financial markets, particularly in the context of derivative trading. It helps market participants, analysts, and regulators gauge the level of interest and positions taken by various categories of market participants. To understand participant-wise open interest, it’s essential to first define the key participants involved:

  1. Client:
    • Definition: Clients are individual retail traders or institutional investors who trade in the derivatives market through brokers. They are typically end-users of derivatives, using these financial instruments to hedge against price fluctuations in the underlying assets or to speculate on future price movements.
    • Role in Open Interest: The open interest position of clients represents the number of contracts or positions held by retail and institutional investors.
  2. Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs):
    • Definition: DIIs are entities like mutual funds, insurance companies, and pension funds that invest in financial markets on behalf of their clients or policyholders. They primarily manage domestic funds and investments.
    • Role in Open Interest: DIIs’ open interest positions reflect the collective positions taken by these institutional investors in the derivatives market.
  3. Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs):
    • Definition: FIIs are overseas entities, such as hedge funds, asset management companies, and pension funds, that invest in the financial markets of a foreign country. They participate in Indian markets through the purchase of securities, including derivatives.
    • Role in Open Interest: FIIs’ open interest positions indicate the extent of their involvement in the Indian derivatives market.
  4. Proprietary Trading Firms (Pros):
    • Definition: Proprietary trading firms are trading entities that use their own capital to speculate on the financial markets. They engage in trading activities to generate profits for their own accounts rather than on behalf of clients.
    • Role in Open Interest: The open interest positions of proprietary trading firms reflect the proprietary trading activity in derivatives. These firms often engage in high-frequency trading and may have substantial positions.

How open interest is calculated and why it’s important:

Open Interest: Open interest is the total number of outstanding derivative contracts, such as futures and options, for a specific underlying asset. It represents the total number of contracts that have not been settled or offset by an opposing trade. Open interest is calculated at the end of each trading day and provides valuable insights into market sentiment:

  • Increasing Open Interest: When open interest increases, it indicates that new positions are being created in the market. This can suggest growing bullish or bearish sentiment, depending on whether contracts are being bought or sold.
  • Decreasing Open Interest: A decrease in open interest suggests that existing positions are being closed or offset. This can indicate a lack of conviction or a potential reversal in market sentiment.
  • Steady Open Interest: Stable open interest levels can indicate a balanced market where long and short positions are roughly equal.
  • Participant-wise Open Interest: By examining open interest data for different participant categories (Client, DII, FII, Pro), analysts can gain insights into who is driving market activity. For example, a significant increase in open interest by FIIs might signal a strong bullish or bearish outlook, depending on their positions.

In summary, participant-wise open interest is a critical metric in derivatives markets, providing valuable information about market sentiment and the involvement of various types of participants. It is an essential tool for traders, investors, and analysts to assess the dynamics and trends within the market.